Need help?
Are you feeling anxious? Do you find it hard to sleep? Do you feel like dropping out? Are you feeling down? Overwhelmed? Isolated? You're not alone! At every Thèsez-vous retreat, we learn that most graduate students go through tough times and hesitate to talk about it with their peers, supervisors, or other professionals. |
Retreats are a great opportunity to break this isolation and talk about any challenges/problems with your peers.
That being said, we also recommend approaching your supervisor, as they may have access to privileged resources.
You can also take advantage of the free services offered by your university.
There are various relevant protocols, resources, and tools available to address graduate students’ concerns.
Take the step to making your graduate student experience happy and healthy
Université de Montréal - Soutien à l'apprentissagePour en savoir plus:
UQAM - Soutien à l'apprentissagePour en savoir plus:
Université Laval - Centre d'aide aux étudiant.e.sPour en savoir plus:
Université de Sherbrooke - Services de psychologie et d'orientationPour en savoir plus:
INRS - Services aux étudiant.e.s |
Polytechnique - Soutien à la réussite |
École de technologie supérieure - Service d'appui à la réussitePour en savoir plus:
HEC Montréal - Soutien psychologique |
UQTR - Service de psychologie |
UQO - Programme d'aide et de référence |
UQAR - Aide psychologique |
UQAT - Bureau d'aide à la réussite |
UQAC - Services aux étudiant.e.s |
ENAP - Services aux étudiant.e.s |
McGill - Mental Health ServicePour en savoir plus:é-mentale
Concordia - Counselling and Psychological ServicesPour en savoir plus:
Université Ottawa - SASS - Service d’appui au succès scolairePour en savoir plus: